Hobby: Running
Utah Jazz moment: John Stockton hitting “the shot!”
Current Utah Jazz player: Mike Conley
Book: Hunger Games
Smell: Campfire [Worked at a girls camp for 2 summers!]
Animal: Bunnies & Monkeys
Vacation: San Diego [I love the beach!]
Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
TV Show: Gilmore Girls [“If you’re out on the road”…. #teamluke #teamjess]
& Grey's Anatomy
Treat: Twinkies
Drink: Dr. Pepper [discovered this after my running career and have been making up for lost time ever since]
Quirk: Has to have all the doors closed in the room when she goes to sleep or is watching a movie
Season: Summer
Tradition: Hanging out on the 4th of July outside in our yard with family doing fireworks, eating BBQ’d food, and soaking every last minute out of summer!

Current Job: Law Student
(Former high school teacher)
Fun Fact: Has a twin brother!
Education: B.S. History Education,
Master's Public Administration
JD (In progress :D)
Thoughts on Being a Mom (by Brooke)
Being a mom is honestly the most fun thing I’ve ever done. I love watching Abigail grow and develop every day. I love seeing the world through her eyes and laughing and giggling about all the fun things to discover! Some of my favorite things to do with Abigail are to play pretend, build towers (and knock them down, ha ha!) and go on our daily walks together. I can’t wait to grow our family more and watch our kids grow and play together.